目前分類:Event (25)

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The WBCN Rock 'n' Roll Rumble, begun in 1979, is a Greater Boston "battle of the bands" competition co-sponsored by WBCN-FM and its local music show Boston Emissions. 

The Rumble in its current form begins in April with a week of preliminary rounds of 24 total bands, as selected by WBCN. The prelims take place on Sunday through Tuesday and Thursday through Saturday, with Wednesday as a "Day of Rest." Each night, four bands play a 30-minute set and are judged by a rotating selection of representatives from the Boston music industry. A winner is announced at the end of the night.


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一場玻璃盛宴,現在正在Boston MFA如火如荼的進行著。碎碎念將近兩三個月之後,愛咪終於有幸一瞥*Dale Chihuly的大作。


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