



賓州的Lancaster是阿米許人口比較多的一個地區。只是經過而已,沒有時間停留太久的我們,決定直接走觀光客行程。直殺一個叫做*TheAmish Farm and House的地方。


Amish不是很愛外人打擾,所以可以找到好好了解阿米許人的地方並不多。TheAmish Farm and House以前曾經是一個阿米許家族的地產,現在保留下來給觀光客參觀。這個地方在一個大Mall裡面,就在Target超市旁邊。夾雜在現代生活中的傳統AmishHouse,和旁邊似乎格格不入。





















































美國現在有個秀,叫做Breaking Amish,就是在講一群阿米許人決定到現實社會來生活。一開始還不錯看,只是到後面感覺越走越偏,開始吵架,出軌。。。變的有點莫名其妙,小可惜。


最近看了幾篇有關阿米許的報導,阿米許的*人口在進幾年不降反升,並且在新的州建立生活圈。有興趣的朋友,最下面有一篇文章給你參考。圖裡面則是是2010年的阿米許地圖。(Amishchurch district numbers based on data compiled by the Young Center forAnabaptist and Pietist Studies at Elizabethtown College, July 2010)最近,根據新聞指出2012年多了WyomingIdaho兩個州。





*The Amish Farm and House

2395 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster, PA 17602




*Auntie Ann






The Amish—known for their horse-and-buggy way of life—mayseem like they would be overwhelmed by the rushing changes in technology andculture.


But according to a new census, the Amish are growing fasterthan ever. There are nearly 251,000 Amish people in America and Canada, accordingto Ohio State University researchers. That's more than double the estimatedpopulation in 1989 of about 100,000. Researchers estimate the population willdouble again to half a million within about 21 years.


Much of the growth has to do with the fact that more Amishchildren are staying with the religion and starting their own high-fertilityfamilies. "Some people would claim 90 percent of daughters and sons getbaptized Amish and start families," says lead researcher JosephDonnermeyer, a professor of rural sociology at OSU. He says this number hasbeen increasing steadily since WWII.


The Amish live in small groups of 20 or 30 families known assettlements, and Donnermeyer's team has shown the number of these settlementsto be growing quickly. In 1990, there were 179 settlements in the U.S. By 2012,Donnermeyer and his colleagues counted 456, including a handful in Canada.


As the number of settlements has grown, so has theirgeographic reach. The Amish have traditionally lived in places like Lancaster County,Pennsylvania (population 26,270), or Holmes County, Ohio (population 17,654).Now,they are spreading to other parts of the country, from New York to Missouriand Wyoming. Montana now has four settlements, and Nebraska has three. A fewhave popped up in Oklahoma and there's even one in South Dakota. Donnermeyersays the move to the West and the plains states is only just starting.


But the strongest growth is on the east coast. "Thereare five settlements in Maine that are all less than 12 years old," Donnermeyersays. "There are 47 in New York, and 18 have been founded since 2009. NewYork is now the hotspot." He says most of that growth is happeningupstate, where property values have fallen dramatically.


But it's not just lower prices causing this geographicscattering. Donnermeyer says that changing agricultural economics are alsodriving a lot of Amish to new territory. As farmers leave their farms or sellthem off, sparsely populated rural areas become prime real estate for theAmish. Buyouts of dairy farmers in Wisconsin and tobacco farmers in Kentucky byindustrial agriculture outfits cleared the way for booms in those states' Amishpopulations. Wisconsin had 17 Amish settlements before 1990. Now it's home to46. Kentucky's seen its Amish settlements more than double to 34 since then.


Because the Amish prefer settlements of only a few dozenfamilies, the total population's sheer growth has also hastened this spread.There are now Amish settlements in 30 states. "As the older communitiesget bigger because of this population boom, there's been a greater and greateremphasis on finding new places to start new settlements," saysDonnermeyer.


And that's pushed the Amish into somewhat unexpectedlocations. Donnermeyer points to one settlement that's established itself inrural Wyoming, about an hour-and-a-half's buggy ride to the nearest town.


"It's 15 miles north of Devils Tower. You know, fromClose Encounters of the Third Kind," Donnermeyer says, referring to therustic setting of the 1977 alien movie. It's an interesting parallel: this isthe first Amish settlement to develop in Wyoming, an alien culture in a strangenew land. But they won't be alien for long. Donnermeyer says another settlementis currently forming in the state




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